In the process of implementation of various projects and execution of various tasks the DTSC has developed a vast and extensive pool of experience and knowledge in the field of Project Management, Monitoring & Evaluation, Policy Advice, Strategy Development, Systems Development, Communications, Human Resource Management, Computer Applications, Software, Net Access and related and other fields. The DTSC has also developed special proficiency in the sectors of Education, Health, Family Planning, Water & Sanitation, Income Generation, Infrastructure Planning, Integrated Area Development, IEC, etc.
The Specific skills, competencies and experience developed & represented by DTSC are :
- State Level Programme Implementation Support involving guidance of efforts, training of stakeholders, concurrent monitoring & evaluation besides other activities and Senior Advisor/Consultative Role to the Government.
- Project Management of multi sectoral interventions project, as key actor of multi-disciplinary Consortium for integrated Urban Development.
- Project Conceptualising and Identification, at the State level.
- Direction, Leadership, Management and Supervision of Development Organizations (NGOs) in organizational strengthening & functioning.
- Senior Management role in professionally managed Private Business Firms/Organizations.